“Industrial Upgrading and Vertical Specialization: A Preliminary Note,” Working Paper No. 8, Capturing the Gains from Globalization, University of Manchester, 2012 (with X. Jiang).
“Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Evidence on Horticulture, Apparel, Mobile Phones and Tourism,” Working Paper No. 6, Capturing the Gains from Globalization, University of Manchester, 2011 (with T. Bernhardt).
“Testimony to the US International Trade Commission,” December 14th, 2010.
“Trade Crisis and Recovery: Restructuring of Global Value Chains,” Policy Research Working Paper 5294, The World Bank, May 2010 (with D. Winkler).
“After T-Bills and T-Shirts: China’s Role in “High” and “Low” Fashion after the Global Economic Crisis,” Working Paper 2010-1, Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School, April (with H.Clark).
“Global Defeminization? Industrial Upgrading, Occupational Segmentation and Manufacturing Employment in Middle-Income Countries,” Working Paper 2010-1, Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School, April (with S. Tejani).
“Errors from the “proportionality assumption” in the measurement of offshoring: Application to German labor demand,” SCEPA Working Paper 2009-12 (with D. Winkler). Reprinted in Measurement Issues Arising from the Growth of Globalization, published jointly by the W.E. Upjohn Institute and the National Academy of Public Administration, August 2010.
“Economic Crisis, Global Value Chains and the Collapse of Developing Country Exports,” Working Paper prepared under DFID grant, June 2009 (with D. Winkler).
“Dangerous Liaisons? Off-shoring, Insecurity and the Protectionist Threat,” UNDESA Policy Brief Number 12, April 2009 (with R. Kozul-Wright and D. Winkler).
“Measuring Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Production Networks,” paper prepared under DFID grant, September 2008. Revised as “Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Problems of Theory and Measurement” (with D Schoeller).
“Globalization, Offshoring and Economic Insecurity in Industrialized Countries,” Background Paper, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, September 2008 (with D. Schoeller).
“Export Processing Zones, Industrial Upgrading and Economic Development,” Background paper for ILO governing board discussion on the development impact of EPZs, ILO, Geneva, 2007.
“It’s not the budget deficit, stupid!” in The Promise of Public Investment, SCEPA monograph, 2008.
“Spurring Growth Dynamics from Services Offshoring,” SCEPA Policy Brief, March 2006 (with M. Mahoney, M. Schneider and R. von Arnim).
“State-Market Relations in a Globalized Economy,” SCEPA Policy Brief, April 2006 (with J. Madrick and M. Mahoney).
“The changing structure of international trade linked to global production systems: what are the policy implications?” Working Paper No. 33, Geneva: ILO Policy Integration Department, May 2004.
“Trade and Competition Policy,” background paper for Making Global Trade Work for People, New York: UNDP, 2003.